The serious international medical concerns and consequences caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, not only in the Asian region, but globally, have dictated that all measures for the public health and safety of exhibitors and visitors must be of priority.
In view of the uncertainties the pandemic has wrought both locally and internationally, the Show Organiser has decided that MEGA SHOW Series in Hong Kong will not take place this coming year during 20-23 and 27-29 October, 2020 and is rescheduled to be held on 20-23 & 27-29 October, 2021.
Nach Köln und Berlin war diesmal Oberstenfeld und die Burg Lichtenberg Treffpunkt der Spielwarenbranche. Im Vorfeld des dritten Zusammenspiels von DVSI und […]
Die VEDES in Nürnberg übernimmt mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar 2014 das operative Großhandelsgeschäft der HOFFMANN COMPANY, insbesondere von HOFFMANN SPIELWAREN in […]